From Professional to Community, We provide courses to
Save Human Life
Virginia Department of Fire Programs
The instructors at Virginia EMS Training Group, Fire Division, have instructorships in several Virginia Department of Fire Programs courses. We can bring these courses to your agency. Depending on the course, additional logistics may need to be secured by the agency. The courses we can teach are,
Driver/Operator - Aerial Description:
A course designed to provide the structural firefighter with the needed knowledge and skills to successfully operate aerial apparatus. A must for departments using aerial apparatus, this course covers such topics as: Types and Construction of Aerial Apparatus, Positioning Aerial Apparatus, Stabilizing Systems, and Maintenance and Testing. This course is based on NFPA 1002, Standard on Fire Apparatus Driver/ Operator Professional Qualifications, and leads to a ProBoard certification.
Prerequisites: Firefighter I, EVOC, DPO and HMO 18 Years of Age
Standard/Reg: NFPA 1002
Driver/Operator - Pumper Description:
This course and the exams are based on NFPA 1002, Standard on Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications, and leads to a ProBoard certification. This course is designed for the firefighter who wishes to advance to the next level of his/her career. This course consists of six modules: Preventative Maintenance, Tests and Inspections, Driving/Operating, Water Supply, Sprinklers and Standpipes, and Operations
Prerequisites: Firefighter I, EVOC and HMO 18 Years of Age
Standard/Reg: NFPA 1002
Emergency Vehicle Operators Course (EVOC) Description:
A course designed to enhance safe vehicle operation by stressing theory and principles of defensive driving in both emergency and non-emergency situations. Virginia Motor Vehicle laws pertinent to the operation of emergency vehicles is included in the course. This class is not designed to teach the student to drive, but rather to explain how emergency driving differs from non-emergency driving. Although some driving experience will be gained through the practical exercises it is strongly recommended that the student have adequate driving experience in the vehicle.
Prerequisites: 18 Years of Age Valid Driver’s License
Fire Instructor I Description:
This course is based on NFPA 1041, Standard for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications, and leads to a Pro Board certification. The course is designed for individuals who want to develop the knowledge and ability to deliver instruction effectively from a prepared lesson plan, including instructional aids and evaluation instruments; adapt lesson plans to the unique requirements of the students and the authority having jurisdiction; organize the learning environment so that learning is maximized; and meet the record-keeping requirements of the authority having jurisdiction.
Prerequisites: Firefighter II and HMO
Standard/Reg: NFPA 1041
Fire Instructor II Description:
This course is based on NFPA 1041, Standard for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications, and leads to a Pro Board certification. The course is designed for the fire service instructor who, in addition to meeting Instructor I qualifications, wants to develop the knowledge and ability to develop individual lesson plans for a specific topic including learning objectives, instructional aids, and evaluation instruments; schedule training sessions based on overall training plan of the authority having jurisdiction; and supervise and coordinate the activities of other instructors.
Prerequisites: Fire Instructor I
Reg: NFPA 1041
Fire Officer I Description:
This course is based on NFPA 1021 Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications and leads to a Pro Board Certification. The course identifies the requirements necessary to perform the duties of a first line supervisor. This course introduces the student to the basic concepts of management and supervision by concentration on such topics as: Organizational Structure, Communication Skills, Human Resource Management, Public Relations, Planning, Emergency Service Delivery, and Safety.
Prerequisites: Fire Instructor I, ICS-100, 200, 700 and 800
Standard/Reg: NFPA 1021
Fire Officer II Description:
This course is based on NFPA 1021 Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications and leads to a Pro Board certification. The course is designed for the fire officer who is ready to assume more of a leadership role by moving into the middle management level of his/her department. This course expands on the knowledge base attained in Fire Officer I by revisiting some of the same subjects and adding additional material including management, government structure, and departmental budget planning and management.
Prerequisites: Fire Instructor I, Fire Officer I, ICS-100, 200, 700 and 800
Standard/Reg: NFPA 1021
Firefighter I Description:
This course is based on NFPA 1001, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications, and leads to Pro Board certifications. The course is designed for the person who seeks the knowledge and skills to function as an integral member of a fire-fighting team under direct or general supervision in hazardous conditions. The FF I course consists of a combination of classroom study, drill field practice, and training evolutions that will prepare the firefighter to perform most fireground functions under the supervision of an officer or experienced firefighter.
Prerequisites: HMO required for certification
Standard/Reg: NFPA 1001
Firefighter II Description:
A course designed for the Firefighter I who is ready to assume more of a leadership role in a department. This course consists of classes designed to give the student more knowledge of fire ground situations so that he/she can make basic evaluations of safety problems and assume leadership roles in carrying out interior attack and search operations.
Prerequisites: Firefighter I
Standard/Reg: NFPA 1001
Hazardous Material/WMD Awareness and Operations:
The goal of the Hazardous Materials Operations Level Response Course is to properly train personnel at the Operations level so they may operate in a safe and effective manner at a hazardous materials incident, according to the government regulations and professional standards. This class includes both classroom and practical training. Classroom builds upon Hazardous Material First Responder Awareness discussion and goes into properties of hazardous materials, containers, transportation hazards and protective equipment. The practical covers various defensive practice scenarios.
Prerequisite: Knowledge of proper use of PPE and SCBA
Standard/Reg: NFPA 1072
Pump Operations, Basic Description:
A course designed for new operators with emphasis on hands-on operation of pumpers at draft and from hydrants, and relay operations.
Prerequisites: EVOC, Level 3
Standard/Reg: NFPA 1002
Rural Water Supply Description:
A course designed for the rural fire department that depends heavily on tanker shuttles to provide water at the fireground. Course consists of classroom training on equipment needed, apparatus placement on the fireground and the fill site, safety and extensive hands-on training conducting tanker shuttles under realistic conditions.
Prerequisites: EVOC, Level 3
Standard/Reg: NFPA 1002